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06th - May, 2022
Instruction on Public Holiday Falling on Sunday
The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training issued the Instruction No. 028 on Public Holiday Falling on Sunday on 4th May 2022. It is clarified in the instruction that a paid public holiday falling on Sunday shall not be carried forward to the following day in accordance with the Amendment Law of Labour Law. In addition, this instruction clarifies that the rate of overtime pay on such a public holiday is 200% with the below example. (i.e.) When an employee, whose monthly net salary is USD 200, voluntarily works on 1st May 2020, Sunday and May day, the employer shall pay approximately USD 15.38 (USD 200/26*200%) for the overtime work.
15th - February, 2022
Notification on Termination of Allowance for Suspended Workers in the Textile...
The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training issued the Notification on Termination of Allowance for Suspended Workers in the Textile, Garment, Footwear, Traveling Bag Manufacturing Sectors on 18th January 2022. The government had paid USD 40 to workers in such a sector whose employment contracts were suspended due to stoppage of operation etc. This notification states that such allowance will not be paid from January 2022 onward and that if an employer intends to suspend employment agreements, the contract shall be suspended in accordance with Article 71 and 72 of the Labour Law, or by agreement of both parties from the issuance date of this notification.
20th - January, 2022
(日本語) 縫製業等に従事し、労働契約が停止されている労働者に対する手当て支給の...
Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. 労働職業訓練省より、2022年1月18日付けで縫製・製靴・旅行鞄製造業に従事する労働者で、労働契約が停止されている者に対する手当て支給の終了に関する通達が発出されました。 同通達では、これまで、上記業種に従事しており、操業の停止等により労働契約が停止されていた従業員に対して政府から月額40ドルの手当てが支給されてきましたが、2022年1月以降は当該手当ては支給されないこととなり、同通達発行日以降、使用者が労働契約を停止させる場合、労働法第71条もしくは第72条に基づいて、または、両当事者間の合意によって行わなければならない旨定められています。 他方、同通達は、観光業に従事する労働者に対する手当てについては、引き続き給付が行われる旨定めています。
05th - October, 2021
NSSF’s payment of benefits to those infected with COVID-19
The NSSF (National Social Security Fund) is providing benefits for absence due to COVID-19 infection to NSSF infected members infected (as of September 25th). The following section describes the benefits provided by the NSSF and how to apply for them. The NSSF will provide an amount equal to 70% of the salary set by the NSSF for the number of days missed from work during the isolation period after treatment and therapy for COVID-19 as a benefit. The NSSF sets the monthly salary amount for benefit calculation as follows: – If the average monthly salary for the past 6 months is less than 200,000 riel (about USD 50), the monthly salary will be 200,000 riel. – If the average monthly ...