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  • Regulations on Procedure for Overseas Worker Dispatch
28th - August, 2024
by Som Ratana

Regulations on Procedure for Overseas Worker Dispatch

On 19th August 2024, the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training issued Notification No. 24 on Sending and Processing Documents of Cambodian Workers to Work Abroad. This client alert outlines key aspects of the new regulations.

Key Points

1. Required Documentation
The notification stipulates that for legal migration and employment abroad, Cambodian workers must possess:

– Employment placement service contract

– Employment contract

– Overseas Cambodian Worker Card (OCWC)

– Passport or Cambodian Travel Document for working overseas (TD)

– Employment visa

– Work permit card

2. Dispatch Process to Japan
The notification outlines the dispatch process for several countries, including Japan. The process for deployment to Japan includes:

– Employment placement registration (1 day)

– Interview and employment placement service contract signing (1 day)

– Pre-departure procedures (95 days), including: Japanese language and technical training, registration of employment placement contract with the Ministry, employment contract signing, OCWC, passport, recommendation letter, work permit and visa acquisition and pre-departure guidance

– Pre-employment procedures in Japan (30 days), including: training on Japanese life and law, residence card acquisition and insurance enrollment

– During employment: As per employment contract

– Return: Acquisition of employment certificate, pension and other allowance settlements

3. Progress Tracking
Cambodian workers can track their application progress at OCWC Tracking.